What I'm All About

Writing is my favorite thing, so I write stories, and reviews on stories. It's also my therapy, so I'm sorry in advance about the many petty rants I produce.
Yours Truly,
The StoryTeller

Sunday, October 30, 2011

By The Pricking of My Thumbs

By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. The old rhyme we know can't help but stir up memories of Halloweens past, when we were innocent. Little girls in faery costumes, puffy and wobbling under heavy winter coats. Little boys wearing completely legitimate Hogwarts robes, or weiling light sabers.
Those are the holidays I remember, when Dad used to carve pumpkins with me, bake seeds, help stew cider. But now? Oh yes, we all grow up, but I'm not quite there yet. There was no gradual slow of traditions for me, he threw me cold into the deep end of adulthood this year. My little sister still gets a slow, lazy nod when she begs for one, but where am I? The bitter eldest child sitting by the counter while they carve out guts and seeds of a plump orange gourd.
He's so distant, you know. Doesn't care much, and it rubs off on me. I'll miss myself when I'm gone, my innocent little kid Halloween-loving self, but at the moment, I choose to stomp around in the cloud of angst I seem to be carrying. Well, happy holidays, Dad, I hope you're happy where you are.
In the mean time, I'll be wandering around the neighrborhood tomorrow night, a black cat with two other lovely young women, trick-or-treating with the little kids as we do. I can't help but feel a worrisome taste settle into my mouth at this too-quick decline in my childhood. By the pricking of my thumbs, you know, I feel something far more wicked on it's way.
Love, a kiss, and sweets on Halloween.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friends and Fall and Feeling Nice

Oh my Lord, I'm in such a brilliant mood, I cannot even begin to tell you. So today I participated in my first ever Quidditch match, and we won. I was a chaser for the Slytherin team, and we have official shirts and everything. My teammates were so sweet, and so brutal to those wimpy Gryffindors.
On Monday, my best friend is having brain surgery to remove a tumor, so she left early to get home. The rest of us went to a corn maze and were completely lost, miserable, and freezing. So what do we do? We drove to Wal-Mart and bought romantic comedies, Hugs, Kisses, Little Mermaid things, and put them all in a huge bag. We tied blue and brown balloons on forks and drove to this girl's house and forked the balloons into her yard. She didn't see us, because we're so stealthy, you know, so we decided to drive up and down the street, laying on the horn until she came out. It was so exciting.
Alright, I'm done, promise. A random, cheerful post, I guess. Here we go again, comma queen over here. Love you, my poor reader. A rose and kiss.

Good Morning, September Has Ended

I really love the band Green Day, if you haven't noticed. I saw them at a concert last summer, and it was absolutely magical. My friend and I went up to Ann Arbor on the way, had an adventure, and went to the original Borders. Books, books, books, they are my life, and I love them, and it was a dream. We bought little knick knacks there, and then went to a funny little place full of joke gifts. Do you remember the game MASH? It determines who you will marry, where you will live, how much money you will have, all that good stuff. Well we bought a pad of paper with the game already set up on every page. Across the way was Potbelly's, and if you've never been there, you should go.
The concert was grand, and even though most of the company was drunk, we had a lovely time and got McDonald's kids meals on the way home like the complete children we are.
Tangent over, I promise. Thinking about a line in a Green Day song, Wake me up when September ends, I decided that the lyrics are appropriate. You know when summer is ending, and school begins, we kind of fall into this hibernation almost? We hunker down into school work and chores and long days and tired mornings. But then... September is almost over and football games start. We prepare for holidays, and bonfires, and all the exciting parts of fall. My favorite parts of fall are the late nights outside in the chilly air at sleepovers. We sneak over the park at the elementary school down the street, and just hang out in the field and talk and play on the swings. Or making bonfires in the backyard. Going to football games and wrapping up in sweatshirts and blankets and socializing with the band geeks.
I just really love fall. So, September is over, and fall is here, welcome to October everyone! Make an apple pie, rake some leaves, drink tea and go to early morning weekend soccer tournaments for siblings. Right around the corner come the mass of holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I positively cannot wait.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vans Down By the River

I'm in a far happier mood than usual, which is odd becuase everything around me is somber and quite depressing. For example, PSATs. Those are more depressing than I can ever even express in words. Sitting collectively, like dinner guests, at long tables in the auxilliary gym. Freezing under the mass cooling system overhead. Answering pointless questions about Mrs. Becker and her purchase of 60 green apples and 40 red ones, and how much did each apple cost respectively?
Sometimes, instead of brooding or writing epic stories, I just like to vegetize myself and sit in front of the box and watch Saturday Night Live reruns, or hang around with my friends and be entirely unintellectual. It's a good break from the oppressiveness of a long school day, where everything that exits one's mouth must be somewhat intellegent, or a Saturday School for you!
Anyways, now, about Saturday Night Live reruns. My absolute favorite sketches have to be the one with Chris Farley, screaming at two helpless children about living in a van... down by the river! If you've never seen it, you positively must look it up. The other one I love is the one with Will Ferrell and his lovah talking to other guests about what lovahs do. It's quite hilarious. Oh! And I also like the one where they need more cowbell. If you don't know what the nut I'm talking about, please, leave my page. These are classics.
The best remedy to a long, overworking, and mostly unrewarding day is to just invite stupidity and emptiness inside your mind, and just stew in your own dumb thoughts for a bit. Or, retire early and sleep and just be. At least, that's what I do.
Note: These methods of relaxation are especially helpful concerning the following areas: lying friends, cheating boyfriends, backstabbers, annoying and far too noisy chemistry partners, whorish behavior, PSATs and other long and boring tests, projects that seem to be lacking a point, and late nights running around the town looking for USB adapters.
Another brilliant thought I had: What if eating Smarties made a person smarter? Yes?
That's all I really have to say for the day. If you've read this far, I'm sorry for the utter boredom you've just subjected yourself to. Sincerest apologies, and a kiss.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Lighter mood today, so no more angry, backstabbing posts... For now. Oh my Lord, what a lovely day. Honestly, the weather was completely beautiful. I danced most of the day, because that's what I do. Ballet, all the time that I'm not writing. Speaking of writing, I'm working on editing my story.
Yes, I know, my writing for blogs is horrendous, but I think I'm pretty decent fiction-wise. Except for my explosion of commas every sentence. Oh dear, it can't be helped.
So today at lunch, I was discussing something to myself, in my head. No, I'm not ridiculously unpopular, I just hate everyone I eat lunch with, and I hate the lunch hour in general for obvious reasons.
I was just thinking about that word, "Always". As in, when Snape says Always about his patronus matching Lily's.
If you dislike Harry Potter, then please leave my blog, because I'll only keep mentioning it in nearly every post.
I think Always is one of the most romantic, undying, dear words in the whole dictionary. It's a word that means constance, perserverance, unconditional feeling for something. It means that no matter what, something will continue to happen a certain way.
The leaves will always change colors in Ohio in the fall. A baby will always cry the first week of its life. Math homework will always confuse me.
As annoying as some constants are, we know we can rely on them. And perhaps we even like the feeling of them, even if the ones in terms of math homework are just a bitch.
Just a little thought I had, nothing really a big deal. Thank you for reading, and if you find your brain happening to melt from boredom, leave me a comment on the way out and I'll send you a fast apology.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I Never Said I Wasn't Cruel

I know anyone reading this will be under the impression that I am a terrible friend, but we all reach a point that forces us to boil over.
For me, it was this summer. Yours truly has a knack for falling in love with people that hardly love me back, or like me at all really. I can't really understand what other people have that I don't, but I can also create a whole list. Transversely, I shouldn't be so petty.
I won't tell his name, but we can pretend his name is something interesting. He likes music, loves it actually. Almost as much as I do. That was the first thing I noticed about him. His name will be N, for his last name.
When friends are supportive, life can be lovely, but when they aren't, and we have to pretend everything's just wonderful, oh yes, we're fine, everything goes to absolute shit.
As trivial as it is, he wouldn't text me back one night. Yes, I know, text me back, it's so fifth grade, but then so am I, when it comes to relationships. And he texted her back instead.
All night. All freaking night, and he told her he would sing for her, and she knew about how I felt. But she decided to tell me all about it instead of consoling me.
What does she have, that I don't? That's what I would like to know. I find her obnoxious sometimes, and although she's very pretty, is everything simply skin deep nowadays?
I'm only upset and sick, don't take me too seriously, but it needs to come off my chest. Be expecting more about another certain friend, who is completely stupid and who I worry for greatly.
Don't even bother reading anything else I write, if you even read this at all. Sorry, by the way, for having you suffer through this.
A rose and a smile for you.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I Should Be Asleep

When have I ever written just to write? Just to say, hey paper, hey pen, let’s have a party. Well… Right now, I’m listening to Doll Parts, a nice song, by Hole. Family Guy is on soon, so I guess I’ll just type some stuff until then. What am I doing? It’s fall 2011 and I finished gym, so I can stay up late. Which is what I’m doing. Last night – this morning – I was up until two watching Baby Mama and eating popcorn. Tonight I’m feeling some Slumdog Millionaire, or Sandlot 2, and some strawberries maybe. Strawberries and honey. Which just tastes good… Really good… Dad’s upstairs, which means the downstairs is MINE. I’m really into Blondie right now, and Joan Jett. Also, the Rolling Stones.
Whoa, flashback, way back. That’s how I feel. My tastes change daily, but I just like music. Like I like to write, which is what I’m doing. Music is like my blood. And…literature is like my…food? Or breath. I don’t know, but it’s all very important. Extremely important. 8 minutes until Family Guy.
What else happened today? I went driving around, fun time… Heart of Glass is on, that’s a nice song, too. Then You Don’t Own Me, is next apparently.
But, really, who knew strawberries and honey could taste as good as they do? It’s like a party… a nice party, not a rave. A classy garden party. Where everyone wears white clothes and carries glasses of fancy, fruity wine. Does anyone get why I don’t write off the top of my head often? It’s because this is what happens. TRAIN. WRECK. Hey, now 6 minutes. Should probably buzz downstairs soon. Not literally buzz. That’s impossible. Probably walk at a leisurely pace, maybe stop and get some strawberries and honey.
I’m hungry, and music depraved, as is obviously reflected in this work. Hanging on the Telephone is a very nice beat, very… catchy, and I want to say mellow, but it isn’t mellow at all, so I don’t know why I might want to say that. The background on my laptop is kind of freaking me out. It’s like an anime robot kitten, or something. It’s creepy…but cutely so.  Like a hairless dog.
Except those aren’t really cute at all. 4 minutes. I’ve looked at the clock at 2 minute intervals. That’s weird. There are thunderbolts popping around outside and I’m kind of scared one will burst through my window and blow my brains out. Wouldn’t THAT put a damper on my day. Bummer.
But they won’t because they’re across my neighborhood, I guess. OKAY, stop with the thunder! It sounds like Blitzkrieg outside. BAM BAM BAM and next thing you know, my brains are blown out. I guess it’s time for Family Guy. Maybe I’ll save this document. Maybe I’ll do this every night. To vent. 2 MINUTES. I need to SCRAM .

I really did just sign my name… ew. This face I have at the moment is highly unamused with my antics, I believe. Yes, I know, the face.. It's not okay, get over it. Blah.

The Dark and Hollow Places

For all you people who feel imperfect.

Imperfection is human, so why do we strive for something that we can never be? It's because the people around us tell us all the time that we aren't good enough. We are ugly and fat and useless and unworthy of love, it seems. At least, that's how I feel. And how is it that no matter how hard we try, no one seems hurt in the end but ourselves?
We aren't physically scarred, but we all know what goes on inside our own heads. That voice telling us to just fix it. Perhaps we can be strong enough to change ourselves.
Starvation, self-destruction, irreversable damage done to change. In the end, still no one notices. Don't they understand the pain we go through to please them? But I guess they don't really matter, do they?
The problem is ourselves. We invent the monsters in our heads.
I've been fasting all week, and for what? For who? Why do I even have these thoughts? Does anyone specifically tell me to be this way, that I'm not good enough?
All of my friends seem better, prettier, funnier, skinnier, more charismatic, sweeter, more talented and what am I? The generalist, who cannot for the life of me achieve something greater than they can. S, and her perfect body. H, and her easy jokes that pull others in. C, and her thieving personality, taking from me what I thought was mine. The boys I thought  for once might like me for me. E, and her gentle honesty that I can never match. The Perfect One, who can do everything that I can, but better. I love them all, but they make me hate myself.
Especially The Perfect One. She is essentially a better me than I myself. My hair is dark, curly, my skin is pale. Her hair is darker, curlier, her skin is paler. I am a dancer, a writer, an artist. She is a ballerina, an author, a regular Degas. I am intellegent. She is a genius. I have too much fat where there shouldn't be any, and too little where it should.
She. Is. Perfect.
How is it that the rest of us can be so inferior?
I suppose we should all just keep striving for the impossible perfection in case we might actually be able to reach it. At least the one bored person reading this can know that they are more perfect than I will ever be.