What I'm All About

Writing is my favorite thing, so I write stories, and reviews on stories. It's also my therapy, so I'm sorry in advance about the many petty rants I produce.
Yours Truly,
The StoryTeller

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Friends and Fall and Feeling Nice

Oh my Lord, I'm in such a brilliant mood, I cannot even begin to tell you. So today I participated in my first ever Quidditch match, and we won. I was a chaser for the Slytherin team, and we have official shirts and everything. My teammates were so sweet, and so brutal to those wimpy Gryffindors.
On Monday, my best friend is having brain surgery to remove a tumor, so she left early to get home. The rest of us went to a corn maze and were completely lost, miserable, and freezing. So what do we do? We drove to Wal-Mart and bought romantic comedies, Hugs, Kisses, Little Mermaid things, and put them all in a huge bag. We tied blue and brown balloons on forks and drove to this girl's house and forked the balloons into her yard. She didn't see us, because we're so stealthy, you know, so we decided to drive up and down the street, laying on the horn until she came out. It was so exciting.
Alright, I'm done, promise. A random, cheerful post, I guess. Here we go again, comma queen over here. Love you, my poor reader. A rose and kiss.

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