What I'm All About

Writing is my favorite thing, so I write stories, and reviews on stories. It's also my therapy, so I'm sorry in advance about the many petty rants I produce.
Yours Truly,
The StoryTeller

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Lighter mood today, so no more angry, backstabbing posts... For now. Oh my Lord, what a lovely day. Honestly, the weather was completely beautiful. I danced most of the day, because that's what I do. Ballet, all the time that I'm not writing. Speaking of writing, I'm working on editing my story.
Yes, I know, my writing for blogs is horrendous, but I think I'm pretty decent fiction-wise. Except for my explosion of commas every sentence. Oh dear, it can't be helped.
So today at lunch, I was discussing something to myself, in my head. No, I'm not ridiculously unpopular, I just hate everyone I eat lunch with, and I hate the lunch hour in general for obvious reasons.
I was just thinking about that word, "Always". As in, when Snape says Always about his patronus matching Lily's.
If you dislike Harry Potter, then please leave my blog, because I'll only keep mentioning it in nearly every post.
I think Always is one of the most romantic, undying, dear words in the whole dictionary. It's a word that means constance, perserverance, unconditional feeling for something. It means that no matter what, something will continue to happen a certain way.
The leaves will always change colors in Ohio in the fall. A baby will always cry the first week of its life. Math homework will always confuse me.
As annoying as some constants are, we know we can rely on them. And perhaps we even like the feeling of them, even if the ones in terms of math homework are just a bitch.
Just a little thought I had, nothing really a big deal. Thank you for reading, and if you find your brain happening to melt from boredom, leave me a comment on the way out and I'll send you a fast apology.

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