What I'm All About

Writing is my favorite thing, so I write stories, and reviews on stories. It's also my therapy, so I'm sorry in advance about the many petty rants I produce.
Yours Truly,
The StoryTeller

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Vans Down By the River

I'm in a far happier mood than usual, which is odd becuase everything around me is somber and quite depressing. For example, PSATs. Those are more depressing than I can ever even express in words. Sitting collectively, like dinner guests, at long tables in the auxilliary gym. Freezing under the mass cooling system overhead. Answering pointless questions about Mrs. Becker and her purchase of 60 green apples and 40 red ones, and how much did each apple cost respectively?
Sometimes, instead of brooding or writing epic stories, I just like to vegetize myself and sit in front of the box and watch Saturday Night Live reruns, or hang around with my friends and be entirely unintellectual. It's a good break from the oppressiveness of a long school day, where everything that exits one's mouth must be somewhat intellegent, or a Saturday School for you!
Anyways, now, about Saturday Night Live reruns. My absolute favorite sketches have to be the one with Chris Farley, screaming at two helpless children about living in a van... down by the river! If you've never seen it, you positively must look it up. The other one I love is the one with Will Ferrell and his lovah talking to other guests about what lovahs do. It's quite hilarious. Oh! And I also like the one where they need more cowbell. If you don't know what the nut I'm talking about, please, leave my page. These are classics.
The best remedy to a long, overworking, and mostly unrewarding day is to just invite stupidity and emptiness inside your mind, and just stew in your own dumb thoughts for a bit. Or, retire early and sleep and just be. At least, that's what I do.
Note: These methods of relaxation are especially helpful concerning the following areas: lying friends, cheating boyfriends, backstabbers, annoying and far too noisy chemistry partners, whorish behavior, PSATs and other long and boring tests, projects that seem to be lacking a point, and late nights running around the town looking for USB adapters.
Another brilliant thought I had: What if eating Smarties made a person smarter? Yes?
That's all I really have to say for the day. If you've read this far, I'm sorry for the utter boredom you've just subjected yourself to. Sincerest apologies, and a kiss.

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