What I'm All About

Writing is my favorite thing, so I write stories, and reviews on stories. It's also my therapy, so I'm sorry in advance about the many petty rants I produce.
Yours Truly,
The StoryTeller

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Good Morning, September Has Ended

I really love the band Green Day, if you haven't noticed. I saw them at a concert last summer, and it was absolutely magical. My friend and I went up to Ann Arbor on the way, had an adventure, and went to the original Borders. Books, books, books, they are my life, and I love them, and it was a dream. We bought little knick knacks there, and then went to a funny little place full of joke gifts. Do you remember the game MASH? It determines who you will marry, where you will live, how much money you will have, all that good stuff. Well we bought a pad of paper with the game already set up on every page. Across the way was Potbelly's, and if you've never been there, you should go.
The concert was grand, and even though most of the company was drunk, we had a lovely time and got McDonald's kids meals on the way home like the complete children we are.
Tangent over, I promise. Thinking about a line in a Green Day song, Wake me up when September ends, I decided that the lyrics are appropriate. You know when summer is ending, and school begins, we kind of fall into this hibernation almost? We hunker down into school work and chores and long days and tired mornings. But then... September is almost over and football games start. We prepare for holidays, and bonfires, and all the exciting parts of fall. My favorite parts of fall are the late nights outside in the chilly air at sleepovers. We sneak over the park at the elementary school down the street, and just hang out in the field and talk and play on the swings. Or making bonfires in the backyard. Going to football games and wrapping up in sweatshirts and blankets and socializing with the band geeks.
I just really love fall. So, September is over, and fall is here, welcome to October everyone! Make an apple pie, rake some leaves, drink tea and go to early morning weekend soccer tournaments for siblings. Right around the corner come the mass of holidays: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I positively cannot wait.

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